Bidaya Collection

Bidaya is an interactive, enjoyable educational curriculum that helps to read Quran fluently and to increase Quran recitation speed with maximum proficiency.

It produces fast results for student and help to obtain the unlimited rewards by having good recitation of the Holy Quran by reading perfectly and accuracy.

The curriculum employs a variety of new ideas and strategies that aids the teacher and the student’s family in assessing the student’s progress throughout his/her course of study.

Reading Quran fluently & correctly

Provides a method of reading the Quran in an innovative way, accessible to all ages and backgrounds.

Tajweed from the very beginning

Establishes a system that gradually teaches students correct pronunciation (Tajweed) from the beginning of their Arabic learning journey.

Convenient for memorizing the Quran

Addresses the problem of memorizing the Quran by only hearing it and teaches accurate reading as the basis for strong memorization and proficiency.

Friend of non-Arabic speakers

From the first day of learning, it helps non-Arabic speakers to protect the tongue from errors in pronouncing the letters and words of the book of Allah (swt).


Bidaya Series

An introduction to Bidaya series by author

A complete introductory video presented by the author of Al-Bidaya book (Sheikh Ahmad Al Sheikhi), in which he covers the mindset of the curriculum and its message in teaching the Quran. He also covers the Arabic language skills that students are aimed to acquire.

The book consists of 20 interactive, progressive, and systematic lessons. It begins with the proper articulation of mere Arabic letters then articulating letters with Harakat, short & long vowels, through reading the words of the Noble Quran. This book is suitable for all age groups (4 years and above). Throughout the book, the learner becomes proficient in the proper recitation of the Noble Quran.
Bidaya Workbook is a supplementary source for learners in Arabic & English. It includes 50 extra words for each lesson of the Student Book. It helps learners improve to their reading and writing skills. Teachers, in addition, benefits from it as an extra word bank in lesson planning and groups activities.
Reading Book
Bidaya Reading Book is a supplementary source for learners in Arabic & English. It includes 50 extra words for each lesson in the Student Book. It helps learners to improve their reading skill. Teachers, in addition, benefits from it as an extra word bank in lesson planning and groups activities.
eLearning & Multimedia

YouTube Channel: Bidaya has a big channel on YouTube that contains a huge number of collected videos covering most of topics from the very beginning up to final exam.

Online learning: Bidaya has a great web site which contains the multimedia files, paperwork, and more explanation the contents. It could be used by the teachers or students for eLearning purpose.

 Smart App: Bidaya has its own app that is available on apple store (Android coming shortly). This app is very Effective way to listen to letters, words, and the selected Souras from the Holy Quran

  Bidaya CD: This CD is a great idea to lean reading Quran by using Bidaya. It contains the books lessons, explanations, Quranic selections, and the song of Bidaya.

Teaching supplies

Visual Icons: Bidaya has one of the best tools for visual explanation, such as:
Hand movement.
Arrows & pictures.
Icons & colors.  

Flash Cards: These are more than 350 educational flashcards that are helpful for teachers and learners. It is primarily designed for younger ages to help them grasp the lesson idea and to assist teachers in designing interactive and enjoyable group activities and competitions.

Wall Posters: These are supplementary materials for teachers and learners. Each poster includes a book lesson in a big format to assist teachers in explaining the lessons for groups in an organized manner. It also helps the teacher to create interactive and enjoyable group activities and competitions.


Modern methods & approaches

  • Placement Test: Evaluate the student before starting use Bidya book to know which skills he has and which skills he is missing.

  •  Final Exam: it is a general and final exam covering all subjects and chapters which gives a total mark to measure the student’s level.  


Review & support

  • Chapter Evaluation: For each chapter there is a small test given to student and the result given to the parents. It is a great idea to share parents the progression of student.

  • Check Point: It is a mark that is indicating the degree of the student when finishing each chapter.

  • Continuous Revision: There is a continuous review for the past lessons to remind the student and help him to connect between current and previous lessons.

# Success

Engaging students & Learners

  • Bilingual contents Arabic & English for all resources.

  • It is highly recommended by Quran Scholars and most of Quranic Schools & experts.

  • Works for all of ages starting from 5 years and up, even for adults.

  • It has a Lesson’s map to help students know where they are and when to finish.

  • Works for Arabic or non-Arabic speakers (not require Arabic knowledge).


Always supporting Teachers

  • Teacher’s Manual: Bidaya Teacher Book is a supplementary resource for teachers in Arabic & English to achieve the learning goals. It presents a unique methodology that assists the teacher in understanding the learning goals, explaining the lesson for learners in a simple and practical way, and evaluating/assessing the learner’s understanding of the book contents.

  • Workshops: These workshops focusing on developing the teachers’ educational, evaluative and leadership plans for Quran Reading and Recitation. It provides the necessary skills the teacher needs to develop their abilities and manage their Quran sessions/classes at all levels.

  • Training & Consultation: Bidaya offers many different of training for teachers, schools, Quranic schools, and Islamic institutions. This could be by visiting the school and make live training, over phone or emails.   


Bidaya - Teacher's Guide

Bidaya Teacher Book is a supplementary resource for teachers in Arabic & English to achieve the learning goals. It presents a unique methodology that assists the teacher in understanding the learning goals, explaining the lesson for learners in a simple and practical way, and evaluating/assessing the learner’s understanding of the book contents.

Bidaya - Flash Cards

Flashcards: These are more than 350 educational flashcards that are helpful for teachers and learners. It is primarily designed for younger ages to help them grasp the lesson idea and to assist teachers in designing interactive and enjoyable group activities and competitions.


Bidaya - Posters

Wall Posters: These are supplementary materials for teachers and learners. Each poster includes a book lesson in a big format to assist teachers in explaining the lessons for groups in an organized manner. It also helps the teacher to create interactive and enjoyable group activities and competitions.

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